The organic reach algorithm appears to be focusing less on a site’s popularity and “friends” and more on the amount of relevant activity around your content. Does your content reflect the activity around it, and if it’s not in Facebook’s best interests to feature your content on your news feed, does it match your actual content? Which is more important: your content’s popularity or its quality?

Many marketers have changed the content of their websites to make it more current since Facebook’s algorithm update, which appears to conflict with Facebook’s new algorithm. The good news is that the Facebook algorithm appears to be updated too often to impact your organic reach. However, it’s unclear how long the new algorithm will take to take effect.
As a Web copywriter, I get asked all the time, “How can I keep my site in the top 10 of Facebooks news feed?” Well, here are some tips for you.
1. Create a Facebook page for your site or a page that helps manage several pages as soon as possible. Users are being advised to expand pages for their sites on Facebook, and some people have hundreds of pages.
2. Create a separate Google Analytics account if you don’t already have one. Google Analytics is essential for tracking your organic reach and click-through rates. I’m not sure how many marketers still lack a solid metric for assessing their online marketing success.
3. Post timely updates on your site and make sure they match what is happening in the news.
4. Submit your site to a variety of social media platforms. I’m not talking to reposting; instead, I’m referring to publishing your site’s URL, RSS feed, and company’s link to your site. Examine these sites as you would a dating site, looking for hot links. Then make sure the site’s content and the company’s content are in sync. Also, maintain your site’s links relevant to your business and company.
5. Keep track of your progress. You must keep track of your progress. You’ll be able to monitor and understand your traffic simply whether you use a service like Google Analytics or your tracking system.
6. Find out what the press and other websites are saying about you and your business. Some are a lot more forthcoming than others, but chances are, if you have an internet business, you will have people who are more willing to share their thoughts about your business.
7. Find out what keywords your potential customers are typing into the search engines when looking for your services. Find out what your competitors are using and use those keywords in your blog posts. I’m not saying you have to use the keywords exactly, but try to use them in the place where your business is most known.
8. Keep your content short and insightful. Try to keep your posts under 400 words. This is an excellent rule of thumb I’ve discovered, and believe it or not, it works.
9. Check your posts frequently. Update your posts often if your content is long gone or you have updated it a few times. Also, make sure you have fresh content. You must update regularly.
10. Make your posts more accessible. Submitting your blog to social bookmarking sites is the most effective strategy to market it. As a result, your content will be seen by thousands of new people. It’s okay if social sites limit the number of favorites you can obtain; however, try to keep the number of favorites as high as possible. When people visit such sites, they will see your post and click on your link. It’s not enough to simply place your link there; you must actively market it. That’s how you get people to come to your website.
Another very effective way to get traffic is by submitting your post to blog carnivals. The idea is you submit your post and when it gets accepted, it will get more visibility. There are blog carnivals where your post get accepted at the beginning, you keep updating your post and keep adding new posts and submitting those. Eventually you get more and more blog posts accepted and that is when you get a good amount of traffic from that. Just keep doing that and eventually you will get traffic from that.