Here are 3 simple rules to follow when creating a blog.

The first and most important element of your blog is your structure. Your blog should consist of a home page, frequently asked questions page, and then a posts page. Your posts page should be the last page of your blog, and the one page that shows up on search engines. Its the page that your blog sticks out on the internet as the most important page. Your home page should be the first page that people see. Its the one that usually has the most content. Its the one that people get excited about and want to return to. You need to think of your home page as being the most important part of your blog, and your posts page as the post that everyone else is visiting.

What do people go to on your blog? They go to your home page, of course. They also go to your most important content. If you want to get traffic to your home page, you need to use your home page on a daily basis. People often visit your home page and just read your content. However, if you want to increase traffic to your posts page, you need to create something interesting that people will keep coming back to. A good place to find ideas is Yahoo Answers. Go to Yahoo Answers, look for questions that have lots of responses and see if there is an answer that has a related keyword. If there is an answer with a related keyword you can easily write an article around that keyword and link to that answer. This is one of the best ways to get traffic to your home page. It is a great way to increase traffic to your posts page.

Promote Your Content: When a visitor sees that there is an article with a related keyword they know that there is an article with high quality content. They are more likely to click on it and read it. This is a great way to promote your content. However, there are many ways to promote your content. You need to find a way to promote your content on a daily basis. You should write an article or find a place to publish your content and promote it as often as possible. Write the article you write every day. Just write the article and publish it in a related niche article. This will promote your content on a daily basis. It is not easy to promote your content but it is essential to increasing traffic to your home page and your posts page.

You can write the article as an announcement to your new posts and promote it in your blog or you can promote your posts through your twitter account or other social network accounts. You can promote your posts through your email marketing. Your email should be sent to those people. There is nothing more more that those people will want to read in your email. If you send the announcement in your email or tweet it and put the link on your website and email it to them. This is a good way to promote your content.

Optimize: It is always important to optimize your posts and your home page. It is a good idea to add a opt in form to your home page. This is a way to have your visitors first hand knowledge that you are a reliable author. Your visitors will be more likely to subscribe to your list if you have an informed list. You should set up a RSS feed to your website and you should optimize it. To do this you should download FeedBurner and get your RSS feed link. You should place the opt in form to your subscribers email address and add it to your blog and home page. The more information you have on your home page the more likely people will be to click on your emails.

Submit your post to blog carnivals: You should submit your post to blog carnivals. If you submit to as many as you can, it will help you get more traffic.


Writing is the easiest way to get some good traffic. Write quality posts that are informational and give some tips on how to use your blog or web site. Write your blog entries every day and post them to your blog. It is a good idea to choose categories for your blog entries that are related to your interests and also your niche. This will help your blog get ranked higher in the search engines and also help with the ranking of your web site. Write as much as you can about your interests and niche. This will help you get visitors that are interested in the same topics as you and also share the same interests.

It is important to remember that it is important to update your blog regularly. You should try to update it at least once or twice a week. If you have specific times that you update your blog but not specific days, that is fine also. Just update it when you have the time. The more you update your blog the better. This will make it more likely to get good traffic and also build a good list.

It is a good idea to write a guide about how to use your blog effectively to make it more useful to your visitors and also to build a good list.