We would be silly not to exploit that trend for every possible opportunity.

The future of social media will be social video. But it’s no longer just a possibility; it’s a powerful force that’s altering the way we work, communicate, and learn.

Today, there are more videos on Facebook than were posted by you in your lifetime. That is a strong endorsement of the power of social video to hold people hostage.

Twitter has seen a 300 percent increase in the number of videos submitted to its timeline last year. Facebook has more than doubled in the previous year from 25 to around 50 million “statuses” in the span of just a few short years. It’s a social media-video explosion that cannot be ignored. YouTube recently added a new Vines feature that makes sharing videos even more accessible and more social-video friendly. YouTube is a social video platform on steroids. It’s critical that you consider using video in your social media communications now and in the future.

How can a video help your business?

There are many reasons why video marketing is vital for your business, but one driving force has made it the “ideal” choice for many companies. If you use video to interact with customers and prospects, it’s almost a given that they’ll be blown away by how skillfully your company uses video.

  • The look: Video is inherently appealing and even more so in the age of social media. It’s not a fashion statement, not an over-the-top thing; it’s just a way to represent yourself in a professional manner that is relaxed and engaging. And speaking of business, videos are a way to connect with your customers and let them get to know you.
  • The message: Video is a fantastic way to share important business information with your audience. It’s not a ton of text that you send out. It’s not the extensive documentation you provide. It’s something simple and personal-your voice. It’s a small, concise message that people easily absorb. More importantly, videos allow you to connect more meaningfully with your audience.
  • The Interaction: In a survey by HubSpot, 69 percent of small business owners said that video communications have a higher influence on their customers than face-to-face communications. Videos allow for more personal communication and allow for interactions that are more immediate and interactive.

I’d also like to emphasize that I’m not saying that videos are solely for increasing sales conversions. Not at all. However, if your business is based on sales, videos are a great way to show people your expertise and passion before making a sale.

You must be careful in your video selection. Analyze videos in terms of what your target audience wants to watch. Videos with a large number of subscribers and watchers on YouTube, for example, suggest that your content is targeted.

  1. Have a look at the actual videos you select and examine what your audience responds to. This will help you know what kind of messages would appeal to your audience. A video with many viewers indicates that the video has a niche following, and you may have found a video that your business is lacking.
  2. If you are using a video, then look for an expert to be in the video. To get a response from an expert, they must have seen the video before you and feel for what message your business is trying to get out. You can send the video to an expert if you are unsure what message to get across.
  3. A follow-up video can help you make changes to the video.
  4. Remember that videos can be edited. The message you are trying to get across can be altered if you feel the video needs changes.

Your video is only the beginning of your sales process. The video must then be used in combination with other persuasive strategies to attract your audience.