Reduce Page Load Time

If your page loads slowly, your visitors will leave. Page loads are the most common reason why visitors stop coming to your website. So, it’s a good idea to reduce your page load time by improving the website structure. Don’t have many images on the home page. Instead, have a few key images that are key to your marketing strategy. These images can be your most popular images. You can then use larger images as links to larger images on your site. Or, you can use FotoJet’s Image resizer to resize your images.

Other ways to improve your site’s load time are by using fewer images and minimizing the number of requests your site makes to the webserver. Don’t overload the server with requests.

Improve Site Navigation

Navigation is a huge part of your success. If your navigation is confusing or hard to find, visitors will leave your site. To improve navigation, have a site map that breaks down your site into easy-to-find sections. The site map also gives your visitors a clear idea of where they are on your site and headed next.

Better Sight Design and Overall Appearance

The site should be simple, clean, and professional in design. Make sure the color of your website is easily readable. Use a plain background with a dark text color instead. It’s even better if you don’t use any text at all. Your visitors will be drawn to a clean, basic site with a professional appearance.

The layout of your website is crucial. Use simple font styles and a limited number of images. This will simply make your website appear unprofessional. Use readable fonts that aren’t too difficult to read. Better yet, avoid using images altogether.

Provide In-depth Information

Your website should deliver helpful information to your visitors. This may be a keyword-rich post on your site about a topic relating to the affiliate links’ topic or a page with product details. Provide valuable information to your visitors.

The call to action must be clear.

One of the reasons your site may take a long time to load is that the content is difficult to find. When people click on your affiliate links, you need to clarify where they’re going and how they may get the information they’re looking for. You want your visitors to inform their friends about your links and say things like “Buy this” and “Buy that,” not “Click here.”

Give a Descriptive Name

Another reason your site may load slowly is that the page names are long. As you know, people hate reading long page names, so give your page a short and descriptive name. Keep it short and straightforward. Don’t make it sound complicated.

Give your site a Descriptive Title Tag

Finally, add a title tag to your website. You want the robots that scan the web to be able to find your site quickly. Your site’s load time can be sped up by using the right title tag. People should tell what your site is about in 3 or 4 seconds after seeing it. Allow them no more than 10 or 15 seconds to find the stuff they’re looking for.

It’s critical to optimize your site rapidly since if it takes more than a few seconds to load, visitors will simply go. People will become dissatisfied and leave your site if it takes too long to load.

Use the right titles, keywords, and descriptions to optimize your site faster. Give your page titles and descriptions keywords relevant to your page, and keep page titles to 5 characters or less. The descriptions should also be limited to 300 characters. People will quit your site if you use too much wordy content and go to a simpler, faster-loading site. They’ll return to your site in a few seconds or fewer if you load slowly.

These are just a few reasons you may have a slow site. There are many more. Get a real internet marketing expert to analyze your site and advise you on what to do.