1. Do some research on your target audience.
Most of us are here to read posts that will help us in managing our businesses. We’re not here to learn how to get a cheaper return on our product. We’ve come to learn something and to learn something, we need to know where our blogs are coming from.

2. Get quality inbound links, for your blog that people will link to.
What are quality inbound links? People have links from top-ranking blogs and websites which do not work. This is the best strategy for getting links from authoritative blogs. These authoritative blogs are typically discovered by searching for terms such as “high ranking blog,” “top-ranked blog,” “authority blog,” and so on. When choosing a blog from which to obtain connections, keep the following in mind:

A. Blog name. Use quotes around the blog name. This is necessary because if you do not use quotes, the search engines think this is a link and not a blog name.

B. Blog page title. This is something you will most likely see on the blog itself, but will also see in the blog logs. When you see this in the blog, make sure you see the same phrase in the blog title.

C. Blog domain. If the blog you want links from has a dot-com in the domain, use the dot-com in the title and mention this in the blog title.

D. Blog category. These come up in the blog logs, but should not be seen on the blog site. This is a good place to do these links.

E. Blog URL. This is something you will never see in the blog but should be visible on the blog page.

F. Blog post title. It’s easy to get a link in the post title, this is a bit difficult, and not many people are doing it. Use the “link:” text with anchor text in your post title.

3. Post and Page title. The post and page titles must be the same, and the post title must be similar. So, if you have “Buy now” as anchor text in a blog post, the title should be “Buy now with anchor text: “buy now,” and it will most likely appear on a page. This anchor text can be found on blogs and in the “link:” text.

The post title should be short, sweet, and descriptive. This is something you should rarely see, but you should see on the page.

4. Post link text. Make sure you do not use anchor text with the link text. This will most likely appear in the result listings with the link text.

As I have said, this is not something you should see, but it should appear in the post title. If you see this, don’t freak out, it is a mistake that should be easy to fix.

  • Make sure your content, post, SEO, and pages are good.
  • Always use the number of your keyword and not just the word. In this article, I said that post and page were the same things, so I used the keyword in the post. I only used the word once on the page, and that was the title and description.
  • Make sure you use anchor text in your content, anchor text should not be just any text you find in the universe. The anchor text should be what you are targeting and make sure it is descriptive.
  • Make sure you’re using the number of your keyword in the text of your text. Again, I used the word number and I used anchor text in the text. Again, this is something you should not do.
  • Add meta tags where you can, especially the meta description. This is something that you should see. If you don’t see this then make sure you are making the content up as well. You should get a meta description tag. This is easy to miss. Make sure this is correct, and you will most likely get the number of your keyword in it.
  • Add the keyword to the anchor text of the link that points to your site. I use anchor text to link to my blog.
So that is all for SEO. That is about all you can do for SEO and I hope that you use all these. I hope that you are doing all that you can and you will see results for your site. As I said earlier, if you are not seeing results then you are not doing all that you can.
And remember SEO is your main focus and the results you want.